Analyze the accounting process

At TIL we analyze your accounting process and find ways to improve the same. We work with your nominee(s) at your pace and at times convenient to you. Improvements would be suggested and we would stand behind you and support you till they are implemented.

Accounting Process outsourcing

Accounting Process Outsourcing is a unique service offered by us. Aspects of this service include taking over your accounting process and forward reports at mutually agreed intervals

Financial Projections

We prepare financial projections to meet your needs. For example, we prepare cash flow statements to help you gain funding from a bank for a project. We work with bank officials, where needed, to clarify figures and ensure their acceptance.

Budget Preparation

We assist in the preparation of budgets enabling you to set your targets and achieve the same in tune with your strategic objectives.

Management Reports

We design management reports to suit your needs. The purpose of these reports would be to help you to use the information rather than simply generate it and to enable you to take quick and corrective decisions.


We also undertake to assess the risks environment and suggest internal controls as responses after discussion with the management, conduct independent investigations and develop policies and procedures for your organization.

Identification / Implementation of Accounting software

We work with you in the identification and implementation of accounting software. This is done considering the uniqueness of your organization and taking into account the ‘in-house’ resources available. We work with your team in setting up the system, conduct trial runs, provide for parallel runs (manual and computer systems) and ensure smooth transition of the system. All contingency aspects such as levels of security, backups, disaster recovery, are to be taken into account during implementation and hand over.

Post Implementation review

Where the implementation has already been carried out, we would conduct a post implementation review and ensure that all the objectives have been achieved. This would be communicated in the form of a report to the management.

Competence Assessment

We help manage the competence of the Finance & Accounting personnel. This is done by.

The assessment is carried out using Proscan ® EDP system, a competence management system (a Windows application) developed by TIL Scotland Limited.


We help organizations in the recruitment of the ‘best’ candidate. The needs of the organization are identified and a standard is set. A Professional ladder* is produced consisting of two to four modules

Based on relevant job descriptions, associated task analysis information and related internally recognized standards of competence, the assessment is carried out using a scale and the overall competence of a person (sum of competences covered in all two to four modules) is arrived at. The candidates are ranked using Proscan ® EDP system, and a ‘best-fit’ is found.

The advantages of engaging our services for recruitment will include: reduced staff turnover and interviewing costs, coupled with corporate performance. We would be involved from the drafting of the advertisement to the stage where the final offer is made to the selected candidate and regret letters are sent to the other short listed/interviewed candidates. The selection process is transparent and lends itself to both internal and external auditing.


In cases of where we have been involved in the implementation / identification of accounting software, we provide training to new employees joining the Finance & Accounting Department. This helps the new employee to get started on the job from day one reducing the effects of the learning curve and the resultant errors. We would be pleased to conduct training courses tailored to your need for staff development.

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